Please note that (ex)bags items are non-returnable.
For you to be sure in your intention to buy our goods, we include all the necessary details and aphotos for every item on our platform.
We will respond to all your questions and provide you with additional photos or videos if you request them.
Thus we encourage all our clients to contact us in case of any issues.

To assure our customers, our returns policy covers items that do not meet their advertised description or that are not authentic as verified by a reputable authentication service.

If you have any doubts, please contact us immediately and we will re-check the item based on your concerns and in the rare event that it is proven to be faulty, we will refund your payment and cover the cost of return shipping if necessary.

For a hassle-free shopping, we recommend checking all the details and asking any questions you have before purchasing an item so that you can be sure that it is an item you will use for many years to come.